Sunday 20 September 2015

Catch up: All Things

This blog post was supposed to be for catch up week but we have been having internet troubles since our move.

This week is catch up week and I feel like I am not making a dent in my assignments. With the motivation to catch up from The Google Hangout Rudai23 Hangout On Air and Twitter chat #R23chat smoldering away I decided to come up with a plan.

So far I have been tipping away at my blog posts at home in 10- 20 minutes a day and grabbing a few minutes here and there during my breaks at work to Tweet and browse my LinkedIn. I am finding that although with this I am getting through some of my posts, they are sitting unpublished on my blog waiting for me to complete some of the tasks.

Ten to twenty minutes does not provide enough time to have a good sit down and explore the new software and networks to my satisfaction.

My life is hectic still, after moving into my new apartment and I am still behind, so I need to set up a system where I can claim more than 20 minutes a day to work on my Rudaí 23 Things 4-15.

So it is time for a new strategy…
I am hoping to publish at least one post a day until I catch up… I know this will be hard to do but I am determined to do it.

This week I have been trolling through my unpublished posts polishing them off and dividing them into categories. Completed, Revisit and Explore.

Completed, as it suggests these posts are complete and ready for publishing but not published.

Revisit, these are posts that can be published but I want/need to revisit some of the tasks.

Explore, these are the posts that have tasks with software/platforms I have never been on and require in depth exploration. I literally only have a few note as reminder of what I want to write for these.

1 comment:

  1. I like your strategy, it's always a good idea to write down a plan like that.

    The Rudai23 Team
