Monday 1 February 2016

Thing 9: Video

Making videos have interested me since I was young especially animated videos. I used to seek out the 'making of' programs on television for documentaries and I even remember watching a documentary on Disney.

I love watching the story boards and cut scenes that come with the special edition of DVD's. Sometimes you even get how the props, costumes and makeup was done for the film.
The closest I have come to doing a video is to doing an AMV. I have wanted to make my own AMV  (Anime Music Video) since I saw my first one.

I have watched a lot of screen captured game play and how to videos. I have never screen cast myself but I have watched my brother do it.

I had a vague plan written out about what I wanted to do.

For Thing 9 I wanted to screen cast something that would be useful in a library setting. I have some reading software that I have used for my undergraduate in college. There are just a few issues that have to be ironed out that I before I can do so.

First is that the laptop with the software is my very first computer and is 12 years old. It no longer has battery life and is not connected to the network or internet. Until recently my younger brother was borrowing it until his new laptop arrived.

Secondly I had to find a screen cast software that did not require the internet to use. I managed to find a software called Jing, which allows you to record. Even though it still asks you to create an account and connect you can still use the software and ignore the pop-up, just don't close it or it will close the entire program.

Next Jing had to be downloaded to my portable hard drive and transferred it to the laptop with the reading software, Kurzweil 3000. Jing was then installed on to the laptop. Both Jing and Kurzweil 3000 were tested out and conflicting programs and applications were closed. (My partner helped me with this) I had to also borrow a gaming headset for a microphone from my partner.

I made the Title slide for the video in PowerPoint and then chose the sample documents I was going to use and wrote out exactly was to be said. Then I recorded the video until I was satisfied with the end product...or not.

Turns out that Jing does not record the sound from the computer. The free version of Screencast does not either but the pro version does unfortunately this is a yearly subscription based model.

After looking at several different software I could not find one that would record both the microphone and the speakers. So I will be using the computer speakers for my video.

I ended up using Camstudio and then editing the video in YouTube. The computer did not work well with the software.

Part 9: 23 Things Course Rudaí 23.
Tasks: Record a screen cast, upload onto Youtube and share on your blog, add subtitles and write a blog

Thing 17: Reflective Practice

I haven't the time to re-wright a post at the moment.

There are plenty of opportunities to do reflective practice in a library setting. From report writing, applications and reviews of conferences and seminars, arranging events, feedback from events, development of projects, and implementation of services.

During my Jobbridge I was requested by a user to arrange an inter library loan with the Office of Public Works (OPW). The OPW was not one of our usual inter library loan (ILL) suppliers. I emailed them to ask what their procedure for inter library loans was. They normally do not do inter library loans but I was able to arrange to borrow the requested book on a short term loan.

I was nervous at first because I did not have a procedure to follow and my supervisor was away for the week so I could not ask advice. The out come was very good because the user got access to the report needed for their work.

Looking back at that experience I'm more confident about setting up ILL and know that does not hurt to ask or inquire about inter library loan procedures.

Part 17: 23 Things Course Rudaí 23.
Tasks: Write a blog entry how you could use reflective practice in your library experience OR look back at your  previous blog entries from 1-16 and choose one to rewrite using the Gibbs method.

Thing 23: Making it all Work Together

At first I was skeptical about linking social media accounts because I have not linked accounts since I linked my Facebook and Hotmail accounts years ago. I have un-linked them since they were both hacked during the love bug debacle. So I was a bit wary about linking my accounts. Also as I mentioned before I like to compartmentalize my online activity.

I downloaded Flipboard, Hootsuite and Buffer apps and had a look at what social media options you could use with each. I decided to try Flipboard and Hootsuite. It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

I loaded my Twitter Feed onto my Flipboard Feed. I really liked the display of Flipboard, you get a full screen view of each post and swipe up or down to travel down your feed. The screen folds in the center.

I also added it to my Hootsuite and my Instagram. This I found quite handy because I could access both accounts from the one application, they are accessible from the one application yet still compartmentalized. You can choose which feed to look at and you can post from within the application. In the future I will look at connecting more accounts, linking accounts have come a long way since I first tried it and is much more desirable.

l think it is a good idea for institutions to link their social media accounts, it will save time and scheduling posts is handy. I also think it is good to link personal accounts if you have multiple social media accounts that are followed daily.

Part 23: 23 Things Course Rudaí 23.
Tasks: Interrogate one or more social media accounts to Flipboard feed OR  Set up a Hootsuite account and add one or more social media accounts to the dashboard OR Link to a Buffer account one of your social media accounts and schedule a post.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Thing 21: Creating Infographics

When I got this first I planned on making an infographic to use in my biblometric presentations, but I ran out of time. I had only heard of the term Infographics recently at the presentation conference, but I realized that I had seen them around in libraries and other places.

I have been looking forward to creating infographics. The original plan was to make three infographic handouts on how Researchers, Organisations and Librarians used Bibliometrics.

I made a rough timeline for some of my presentations and I decided to turn this into an infographic.
I used to create my Infographic. I scrolled through the templates and selected one to use. I changed the background colours and in put the information and pictures I wanted.

In the future I may do the three I originally planned to do.

Part 21: 23 Things Course Rudaí 23.

Thing 20: Presentations

Presentations seemed to be a hot topic when I first wrote this.

I had just attended a conference on presentations run by the LAI’s Career Development Group (CDG) group “Abstract to Audience: a guide to Conference presentations”. It was on in the NLI on Friday 2nd October 2015.I found it very interesting and I got a lot of tips and demonstrations. One of the speakers even had us doing a workshop which was interesting because we had to design a presentation on paper.

I have had to do three presentations on Bibliometrics in the following weeks. They were two very different settings. Two were for work (same presentation) to the researchers and one in college to my class.
For the work presentations the talk was more focused on how and what researchers need/want to know about bibliometrics. The one for my information organisation class and was focused more on what librarians need to know and how they would go about doing this.

I was thinking of using the experience I have gained doing the Teagasc  5 year bibliometric report as a case study but ran out of time to make these slides so I adapted and added to what I already had.

I ended up using mostly the same slides for all the presentations. I planned the core of the presentations on paper, then I did a rough layout of slides. I then went onto Pixabay and Unsplash two picture websites suggested in the Presentation Conference to source pictures that can be used in presentations. I finalized content and practiced the presentations but forgot to check the timing. Next time I will be sure to check the timing before hand.

In the conference they said not to use bullet points in the presentation, so I tried to limit the number of bullet points I used. They also suggested to use animation and different shapes to make it interesting.

For the College presentation a did a last minute switch around of my slides moving my time line before the definition. If I had to do another presentation I would change the order back.

To view slides follow the links below:
Bibliometrics Measuring Impact- Researchers
Bibliometrics Measuring Impact- Researchers 2
IO_Bibliometrics Measuring Impact- Librarians

I had done two presentations before this in one for my chemistry thesis and one at a convention intro to manga, two very different settings.

The presentation for my chemistry thesis was very nerve wracking. I had to talk for 15 minutes discussing my final year chemistry project. I discussed my methodology, results and conclusions. I remember I was given very difficult questions that were outside the scope of my project which my supervisor had to answer.

The second presentation was more relaxed and enjoyable. I was giving my view about manga and recommended reading.For the first presentation I was more prepared, my slides were meticulously planned with a speech too. For the manga one I had random slides and no prepared speech.

Part 20: 23 Things Course Rudaí 23.
Tasks: Option 2:Talk about a presentation you have given and share the slides.

Thing 22: Mobile Things

I am pretty sure I have only mentioned the Blogger app in passing.

I have an Android phone and you can download the app from the Google Playstore.


When you open the blogger app you are shown a list of all blog posts both draft and published. You can create a new blog post by clicking the pencil Icon on the top right of the screen. You can take a picture to add to your blog by clicking the  camera icon.


You can toggle between the All, Published and Draft tabs to view blog posts at various stages of completion. To edit a draft just click on the post you want and click on the pencil Icon to continue editing.


When you are finished editing you can either save the post again for later or post it. You can edit the various elements (Title, Content and Tags) by clicking into them.


I was able to access more options when I hit the menu button on my phone. This brought up a list of useful options and extra functionality for the Blogger app. If you are unable to access the internet you can still create, edit and save your blog posts in the Blogger app. When you connect again hit the Refresh option and it will sync to your online account and update your posts. Another handy option I found was View blog, which allows quick access to your blog page.

If I did not have this app I would not have been able to finish my Rudai 23 posts. On the bus to and from work I would type up my posts on to my blogger app. I found it very handy as you do not need access to the internet to type and save a post.

Part 22: 23 Things Course Rudaí 23.
Tasks: Option 2: Review any mobile app you like that you have not reviewed before.

Thing 19: The Legal Side of Things

C-Clones or Creative Commons posted on Flicker by Kristina Alexanderson in the Troopers of 2012 Album:

After reading the Thing 19 post I started to wonder if about my own posting and re-posting on social media over the years. I was on social media when the debate about source attribution broke out on Facebook and Tumblr. Art work from DeviantArt and Facebook was being re-uploaded onto other peoples Tumblr blogs  and Facebook without mentioning the creator. Some sites were even collecting some of the artwork and were selling it.

I have to admit when I was younger and first started off I was totally unaware of copyright on the internet. I did start off uploading one or two of my favorite pics to use as my avatars or so I could share them with my friends but then I discovered re-posting. Until the source attribution debate broke out I had never bothered to check if the original post was properly attributed to the source. Now all of my posts and re-posts will have links back to the source. For posts that I want to re-post that don't I will hunt down the link first. A handy thing you can do now, is reverse image search to find the source of an image.

For Rudai I was still very cautious about what I posted on-line. You might have already noticed that I always put links in when I am referring to something else. For my post for Thing 4, I wanted to  share an article I had read in The Economist (a magazine I read in work). I  also wanted to use a time line picture used in the piece. I had taken a picture of the time line to use in my blog but I wanted to  check out the copyright before I posted it. After looking around I was still unsure about the copyright issues around blogging so I decided to err on the side of caution and input a reference to the article instead of posting the picture.

Which turned out to be the correct ting to do. I just completed the Network Resource Management module of my library course which had a legal aspect and I am more aware of Irish copyright law. But we only had enough time to touch briefly on Creative Commons.

Part 19: 23 Things Course Rudaí 23.
Tasks: Write about the concerns/issues raised in the Thing 19 post OR about a website which offers Creative Commons or Public Domain content and what it has to offer